
Each of the Brothers in the Gita Symbolize Something. . .Bhima

Bhima, the second of the Pandava brothers, is all heart.  It is fitting that he correlates with the 4th chakra, Ananhata, also called "hrid padma".

Some factoids about Bhima:
  • Bhima is all heart, but is easily swayed by emotion.
  • Bihima is the son of Kunti and the god Vayu, the wind god.  
    • He is also seen as the either the son of Hanuman or some form of Hanuman, or as a reincarnation of Hanuman.
    • The earth shook when Bhima was born.
  • Bhima represents the positive qualities of cessation.
  • He is able to take a strong vow or a difficult tapas.
  • In Gyan Yoga, the term for Bhima is Uparati, cessation.
  • His incognito postition in the Virata court was as a cook.
    • He is described as having an enormous appetite and a big belly.
  • Bhima is determined, and carries his whole family on his back when they can go no further.
  • His opposite amont the Kauravas is Shakuni, who represents attachment, the klesa of raga.
  • The 4th chakra, Anahata, is associated with the sound of creation, the unstruck sound.
  • Anahata is associated with air, the sense involvements of sound and touch.
  • The bija mantra is "yam"
  • Anahata has 12 petals
    • kam  (hope, expectation)
    • kham (care, anxiety)
    • gam (endeavor)
    • gham (attachment)
    • nam (arrogance, hypocrisy)
    • cham (languour, infirmity)
    • ccham (conceit, egoism)
    • jam (discrimination)
    • jham (covetousness, timidity)
    • jnam (duplicity, fraud)
    • tam (indecisioun, suspicion)
    • tham (regret)

Each of the Brothers in the Gita Symbolize Something. . .Yudhisthira

It couldn't just be a story about a battle, could it?

Each of the brothers in the Bhagavad Gita symbolizes something.  The oldest of the Pandava brothers, Yudhisthira, is sybolic of the 5th chackra.

Factoids about Yudisthira:
  • Yudhisthira means "firm in battle" or could also mean "faith and confidence", and could be interpreted as "hanging in there" even when disengagement would be more prudent.
  • Yudishtira is the son of Kunti and the god Dharma (also called Yama), the god of Justice.
  • Yudishtira is teh embodiment of virtue and purity, but is not shrewd.
  • The 5th chackra is called Vishuddha Chackra.  Vishuddha means "pure".
  • The 5th chackra is in the throat.
  • Ether element is seated at Vishuddha Chackra
  • The related sensory level of Vushuddha is sound, auditory sense.
  • The bija mantra is "ham"
  • The 16 petals of the chakra correspond to vowel sounds
    • am (soft)
    • am (strong)
    • im (soft)   Nisada   Hum  (exorcise)
    • im (strong)  Risabha  Phat  (emotional exorcism)
    • um (strong)  Gandharva   Vausat  (sacrificial call)
    • um (for all)  Madhyama  Svadha  (self determination)
    • rim  Dhai vata   Svaha  (hail, blessing)
    • rim  Pancama  Vina  (poison)
    • lrim  Sa  Amrita  (nectar)
    • em
    • aim 
    • om
    • m (am)
    • h (aha) 
    • (anusvara, the nasal element) 
    • (visarga, the aspirate element)

Letter प् Pronunciation Pronunciation with /p/ IAST equiv. ITRANS equiv. English equivalent (GA unless stated otherwise)
/ɐ/ or /ə/ /pɐ/ or /pə/ a a short near-open central vowel or schwa: u in bunny or a in about
पा /ɑː/ /pɑː/ ā A long open back unrounded vowel: a in father (RP)
पि /i/ /pi/ i i short close front unrounded vowel: e in england
पी /iː/ /piː/ ī I long close front unrounded vowel: ee in feet
पु /u/ /pu/ u u short close back rounded vowel: oo in foot
पू /uː/ /puː/ ū U long close back rounded vowel: oo in cool
पृ /ɻ/ /pɻ/ R short retroflex approximant: r in burl
पॄ /ɻː/ /pɻː/ RR long retroflex approximant r in burl
पॢ /ɭ/ /pɭ/ LR short retroflex lateral approximant (no English equivalent)
पॣ /ɭː/ /pɭː/ LRR long retroflex lateral approximant
पे /eː/ /peː/ e e long close-mid front unrounded vowel: a in bane (some speakers)
पै /əi/ /pəi/ ai ai a long diphthong: i in ice, i in kite (Canadian English)
पो /oː/ /poː/ o o long close-mid back rounded vowel: o in bone (some speakers)
पौ /əu/ /pəu/ au au a long diphthong: Similar to the ou in house (Canadian English)
 (thanks Wikipeidia! )
  • Yudhisthira represents faith and also purity.
  • In Gyan yoga (the path of knowledge and study), he corresponds to Shraddha, faith and confidence.