

Sirsasana, away from the wall - Headstand, away from the wall.

This pose is an inversion.

When teaching Sirsasana, allot 1 minute to demo the pose, and 2 minutes to get your students into the pose.  When teaching, set your mat down 1 foot from wall, and then tell your students to line their mats up with yours.

Poses to help us learn Sirsasana:
  • Prasarita Padottanasa
    • Keeping the legs firm, place the crown of the head on the floor.
    • Lengthen the torso up away from the head.
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana
    • Press your hands down and lift your chest towards the thighs.
    • Lenghten the anterior spine.
    • Snug the shoulder blades tightly into the ribs to lengthen and open the chest.  Keep the  top shoulder blades broad as you draw the lower tips of the shoulder blades in towards the spine to support and maintain the chest opening.
Instructions for getting into Sirsasana
  • Fold your mat in half, or if it is a thin mat, fold it half and then in half again.
  • Place widest part of your folded mat about a foot from the wall.
  • Interweave your fingers all the way up to the webbing, and keep the thumb side of the wrist vertical over the pinkie side of the wrist as you place your knuckles very close to the edge of your mat (the edge closest to the wall).  Place your elbows as wide as your armpits are wide.
  • Place the crown of your head on the floor in the space made by your hands.
  • Press the forearms down and lift the shoulders up away from the ears.
  • Lift your knees and straighten your legs, walk your feet in towards your face.
  • Snug the shoulder blades tightly into the ribs to lengthen and open the chest.  Keep the  top shoulder blades broad as you draw the lower tips of the shoulder blades in towards the spine to support and maintain the chest opening as you gently hop your feet off the floor with bent knees.
  • Continue to press your forearms down to lift your shoulders up.  Lift your knees and bring your feet, knees bent, to the wall behind you.
  • Use your feet on the wall to get your shoulder blades firm, and the tailbone in.
  • Straighten one leg to bring your foot of the wall.  Lengthen one leg, and connect the all the way from the forearms, up through the side body to the mound of the big toe, then replace that foot on the wall.  Repeat with the other leg.
  • Straighten both knees and lengthen both legs as you press the forearms down, suck the shoulder blades into the ribs, and lengthen the side body.
  • Take your thighs back, then your tailbone in to firm the hips, lengthen the lumbar spine, and then  reach the legs up.
  • Keep the forearms pressing down and the shoulders lifting as you bring your feet back to the wall, then bring your knees down, then your feet down to the floor.
  • Rest in forward virasana.
    When teaching Sirsasana, be sure to get down and look at everyone's face in this pose.  Look for color of face, sense of ease or lack thereof, and even-ness of head placement.

    Menstruating ladies do not practice this pose.


    Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana

    Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana - Upright Extended One Foot Pose
    A standing pose standing on one leg, bending forward, lifting the other leg extended upwards.

    When teaching, allot 1 minute to demo, and 2 min to get the students into the pose. 

    Poses to help us learn Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana:
    • Uttanasana
      • Lengthen the torso forward and down, climb your torso down your leg
    • Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
      • Learn to lengthen and firm both legs.
      • Keep your torso long and lifted as your press your standing heel firmly into the floor. 
    • Parsvottanasana, hands on blocks.
      • Keep the hips square and even as you climb your torso down the front leg.
      • Keeping both hips square stabilize the front leg as you re-charge and firm the back leg.
      • Climb your torso down your leg. 
    Instructions for getting into Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana:
    1. From Tadasana, lengthen your chest forward and down into Uttanasana.
    2. Press your heels down, roll your thighs from the outside to the inside.
    3. Catch the back of the right ankle with your left hand.  Place your right hand on the floor by the side of your right foot.
    4. Keeping your hips square while you roll your thighs in and press your thighs back to sake your belly down.
    5. Keep both legs firm and straight, and lift the left leg back and up.
    6. Extend your legs.  
    7. Lengthen torso forward and down while you extend your leg up.
    8. Keep your torso moving towards your arms while you bring your leg down.
    9. Change sides.
    10. After you do both sides, press into your heels, send your sit bones towards your heels as you lift your torso up.  Return to Tadasana.
    In a nut shell:
    • Come to uttanasana
    • Catch your ankle, lift the other leg up.
    • Extend both legs.  Lengthen your torso down.
    • Change sides
    • Return to Uttanasan, then Tadasana
    • Place hands on blocks.
    • Lift back leg to the wall.
    Practice this pose during Standing Pose week.
    1. Tadasana
    2. Vrksasana
    3. Utthita Trikonasana
    4. ParivrttaTrikonasana
    5. Parsvakonasna
    6. Utthita Hasata Padangusthasana
    7. Parsvottanasna
    8. Padangustasana
    9. Uttanasana
    10. Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana
    11. Uttanasana
    12. Adho Mukha Svanasana, hands to wall
    13. Sirsasana 
    14. Virasana - yoga mudrasana
    15. Dandasana
    16. Lolasana
    17. Forward Swastikasana
    18. Rope I
    19. Chatoosh Padasana
    20. Salaamba Sarvangasana
    21. Halasana
    22. Setu Bhanda Sarvangasana
    23. Swastikasana - yoga mudrasana
    24. Paschimottanasna
    25. Savasana


    Adho Mukha Vrksasana

    Adho Mukha Vrksasana, palms turned outward; against wall.
    Full Arm Balance a.k.a. Downward Facing Tree

    Take 30 seconds to demo the pose, count on 1 minute to get students into the pose. 

    Poses to help us learn Adho Mukha Vrksasana:
    • Adho Mukha Svanasana
      • Press your hands down to lenthen your torso towards your hips.
      • Firm the back shoulder blades into the ribs to support lengthening and opening the chest. 
      • Firm the thigh muscles to the bone, lengthen from heel to buttocks
    • Purvottanasana
      • Press the hands down while you firm the shoulder blades and lift the chest up.
      • Keep the tailbone well in while you firm and lengthen the legs.
    •  Sirsasana
      • Take the thighs back, then the tailbone in, to firm the hips.  Always take the thighs back first, then the tailbone in second. 
      • Use the thigh action to lift the legs up off the torso
      • Press the forearms down to lift the shoulders up away from the ears.
      • Snug the shoulder blades tightly into the ribs to lengthen and open the chest.  Keep the  top shoulder blades broad as you draw the lower tips of the shoulder blades in towards the spine to support and maintain the chest opening.
    Instructions for getting into Adho Mukha Vrksasana:
    1. Place your hands about a foot away from the wall, with your hands turned out.  Your middle finger is parallel to the wall. 
    2. Press circle of the palm down as you suck the triceps to the bone to straighten your arms completely.
    3. Keep your arms impeccably straight, exhale, kick ,and swing the legs against the wall.
    4. Press your hands down, firm the shoulders into the ribs just like in Down Dog; suck the shoulder blades tightly into the ribs to lengthen and open the chest.  Keep the  top shoulder blades broad as you draw the lower tips of the shoulder blades in towards the spine to support and maintain the chest opening, and lengthen the torso up towards the ceiling.  Take your shoulders back, and your shoulder blades in to lengthen your chest.
    5. Firm your outer thighs to your inner thighs as you take the tailbone well in to compact the hips.
    6. Move your thighs back, and lengthen your inner hells up to lengthen your inner legs up away from the torso.  Take your thighs back, and your tailbone in as you push your heels up.
    7. Spread the ball of your foot.
    In a nut shell:
    1. Turn your hands out, and set your hands about a foot from the wall.
    2. Straighten and lengthen your arms.
    3. Kick your feet up to the wall.
    4. Lift the buttocks up towards the heels.
    5. Firm and lengthen the legs.
    6. Keep the arms long and straight as you lift your buttocks to lengthen your torso.
    • Menstruating ladies do not practice this pose.  They can do 1/2 Uttanasana at the horse, or Adho Mukha Svanasana.
    • If someone cannot kick up, they can place their hands one leg length away from the wall, do Down Dog with heels at the wall, and walk their feet up the wall until their legs are parallel to floor; Ardha Adho Mukha Vrksasana.  They also can walk up braced in a doorway, or with their back to the wall and their feet on the horse.
    • Assistance from the teacher may be all that is needed by a student who cannot yet do this pose confidently or capably.

    Prasarita Padottananasan II

    Prasarita Padottanasana II - Extendend Wide Footed Pose or Expanded Leg Intense Stretch

    Plan on allotting 30 seconds to demo this pose, and 1 minute to get your students into this pose. 

    Practice Sequence to learn Prasarita Padottanasana II
    • Pashimanamaskar in Tadasana
      • Learn to broaden through the collarbones while keeping the shoulders back.
    • Utthita Hasta Padasana
      • Jump the feet 4' apart.  Learn to spread the feet the full distance.
      • Keep the legs firm by lifting and engaging the thighs.
      • Align your hips and trunk in line with your heels.
      • Lift the chest to lengthen the trunk.
      •  Adho Mukha Svanasana
        • Lengthen the side body as you lift the crown of the buttocks.
        • Learn to stretch from heels to the buttocks
      • Uttanasana 
        • Extend the torso forward and down without disturbing the feet.
        • Learn to fold forward and down from the hips while sending the buttock to the heels. 
        • Keep the hips in line with the heels
      • Parsvottanasana- classic pose
        • Lengthen the torso away from the hips while keeping the thighs pinned back.
        • In the final expression of the pose, bring the head down without collapsing the front spine.  Learn to keep the anterior spine long by lenthening the side body and chest forward and down.
      • Prasarita Padottanasana I
        Instructions for getting into Prasarita Padottananasana II
        1. From Tadasana, jump the feet 4' apart, then step the feet a bit wider.  Keep your outer feet parallel to the short side of your mat.
        2. Keeping your hips aligned with your ankles, press into your heels.
        3. Bring your hands to your hips.
        4. Lengthen your torso forward and down, pause at 90 degrees. With the tailbone in, anchor the thighs back while you lengthen the spine forward.
        5. Continue to lengthen the torso forward and down.  Set the crown of your head on the floor or a block.
        6. Keeping the thighs well lifted, align your hips vertically in line with your ankles.  
        7. Take the front waist to the back waist, and lengthen the side waist to the ceiling.
        8. Bring your palms together behind your back in Paschim Namaskara
        9. Keep firm pressure and weight in your feet as you press your elbows towards your wrists and move your shoulders away from your ears to broaden your collarbones.
        10. Press the heels of your hands together as you suck your thighs to the bones, keep weight in your feet, and send your sit-bones to your heels to lift the chest and come up.
        11. Step the feet in slightly, then jump the feet together.
        12. Release your hands when your return to Tadasana.
        13. Repeat the pose, starting with the hands in Paschim Namaskara.
        In a nut-shell:
        1. Jump your feet wide.
        2. Extend your chest forward, pause at 90 degrees.
        3. Extend your chest and torso all the way forward, set your head on the floor.
        4. Bring your hands to Paschim Namaskara.
        5. Lengthen your torso up away from the floor.
        6. Broaden your collar bones.
        7. Keep spine long, come up.
        8. Jump feet togehter.
        1. Place a block under the head if the floor and the head do not meet.
        2. If Paschim Namaskara is not yet a reasonable option, hold hands on hips. 



          C. Belko's Intro Classes for Brand New Beginners: Sequences

          Week 1

          01 Tadasana
          02 Urdhva Baddhangullyasana (Simplified Vrksasana)
          03 Step feet apart
          04 Utthita Hasta Padasana
          05 Parsva Hasta Padasana
          06 Virbhadrasana II
          07 Utthita Trikonasana
          08 ½ Uttanasana
          09 Dvi Pada Pavan Muktasana (Supta Pavan Muktasana)
          10 Eka Pada Pavan Muktasana
          11 Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (legs up wall)
          12 Savasana

          Week 2

          01 Swastikasana

          02 Tadasana
          03 Utthita Hasta Padasana
          04 Parsva Hasta Padasana
          05 Virbhadrasana II
          06 Jump (how to)
          07 Utthita Trikonasana

          08 Utthita Parsvakonasana (arms apart, top arm not over ear)

          09 Urdhva Hastasana

          10 ½ Uttanasana
          11 Vajrasana
          12 Parvatasana in Vajrasana
          13 Forward Vajrasana
          14 Dvi Pada Pavan Muktasana
          15 Eka Pada Pavan Muktasana
          16 Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (legs up wall)
          17 Savasana

          Week 3
          01 Swastikasana
          02 Tadasana
          03 Urdhva Baddhangullyasana
          04 Jump or step feet apart
          05 Utthita Hasta Padasana
          06 Parsva Hasta Padasana
          07 Virbhadrasana II
          08 Utthita Trikonasana
          09 Urdhva Hastasana
          10 ½ Uttanasana
          11 Utthita Parsvakonasana
          12 ½ Parsvottanasana
          13 Vajrasana
          14 Forward Vajrasana
          15 Dvi Pada Pavan Muktasana
          16 Eka Pada Pavan Muktasana
          17 Dvi Pada Pavan Muktasana
          18 Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (legs up wall)
          19 Savasana

          Week 4
          01 Swastikasana
          02 Tadasana
          03 Jump/Step feet apart
          04 Urdhva Baddhangullyasana
          05 Utthita Hasta Padasana
          06 Parsva Hasta Padasana
          07 Virbhadrasana II
          08 Utthita Trikonasana
          09 Utthita Parsvakonasana
          10 ½ Uttanasana
          11 ½ Parsvottanasana

          12 Prasarita Padottanasana (hands on hips, trunk parallel to floor)

          13 Supta Tadasana

          14 Dvi Pada Pavan Muktasana
          15 Eka Pada Pavan Muktasana
          16 Dvi Pada Pavan Muktasana (Supta Pavan Muktasana)
          17 Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (legs up wall)
          18 Savasana


          Week 5

          01 Swastikasana
          02 Tadasana
          03 Urdhva Baddhangullyasana
          04 Jump/Step arms and legs apart
          05 Utthita Hasta Padasana
          06 Parsva Hasta Padasana
          07 Utthita Hasta Padasana
          08 Virbhadrasana II
          09 Utthita Trikonasana
          10 ½ Uttanasana
          11 Utthita Parsvakonasana
          12 ½ Parsvottanasana
          13 Parsvottanasana Upright (Hands on hips, legs turned, & trunk upright facing to the side)
          14 Prasarita Padottanasana
          15 Eka Pada Pavan Muktasana
          16 Dvi Pada Pavan Muktasana
          17 Supta Tadasana
          18 Dvi Pada Pavan Muktasana
          19 Vajrasana
          20 Forward Vajrasana
          21 Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (legs up wall)
          22 Savasana

          Week 6

          01 Swastikasana
          02 Tadasana
          03 Urdhva Baddhangullyasana
          04 Utthita Hasta Padasana
          05 Parsva Hasta Padasana
          06 Utthita Hasta Padasana
          07 Virbhadrasana II
          08 Utthita Trikonasana
          09 Utthita Parsvakonasana
          10 ½ Parsvottanasana
          11 ½ Uttanasana
          12 Parsvottanasana (trunk, leg, foot facing to the side, hands on hips)
          13 Parsvottanasana (trunk, leg, foot facing to the side, hands on hips then reach arms up, palms facing forward)
          14 Supta Tadasana
          15 Eka Pada Pavan Muktasana
          16 Dvi Pada Pavan Muktasana

          17 Parvatasana in Swastikasana

          18 Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (legs up wall)
          19 Savasana

          Week 7
          01 Swastikasana
          02 Tadasana
          03 Urdhva Baddhangullyasana
          04 Utthita Trikonasana
          05 Utthita Parsvakonasana (top arm over ear)
          06 Virbhadrasana II
          07 ½ Parsvottanasana
          08 ½ Uttanasana
          09 Parsvottanasana (trunk, leg, foot facing to the side, hands on hips then reach arms up, palms facing forward)
          10 Prasarita Padottanasana
          11 Vajrasana
          12 Parvatasana in Vajrasana
          13 Forward Vajrasana
          14 Dvi Pada Pavan Muktasana
          15 Eka Pada Pavan Muktasana
          16 Jathara Parivartanasana (legs bent resting on floor at right angle to hips)
          17 Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (legs up wall)
          18 Savasana

          Week 8
          01 Swastikasana
          02 Tadasana
          03 Simplified Vrksasana (Urdhva Baddhangullyasana)
          04 Utthita Trikonasana (looking up)
          05 Utthita Parsvakonasana
          06 Virbhadrasana II
          07 ½ Uttanasana
          08 ½ Parsvottanasana
          09 Parsvottanasana (trunk, leg, foot facing to the side, hands on hips then reach arms up, palms facing forward, extend forward touch floor 3 times flow like, trunk parallel to floor, release/relax head)
          10 Prasarita Padottanasana (extend trunk forward, hands to floor under shoulders)
          11 Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (legs up wall)
          12 Swastikasana
          13 Parvatanasana in Swastikasana
          14 Twist in Swastikasana
          15 Vajrasana
          16 Forward Vajrasana
          17 Dvi Pada Pavan Muktasana
          18 Eka Pada Pavan Muktasana
          19 Jathara Parivartanasana (legs bent resting on floor at right angle to hips)
          20 Dvi Pada Pavan Muktasana (Supta Pavan Muktasana)
          21 Savasana

          Week 9
          01 Swastikasana
          02 Tadasana
          03 Urdhva Baddhangullyasana
          04 Tadasana with hands interlocked behind back
          05 Utthita Trikonasana
          06 Utthita Parsvakonasana
          07 Virbhadrasana II
          08 ½ Uttanasana
          09 ½ Parsvottanasana
          10 Parsvottanasana (trunk, leg, foot facing to the side, hands on hips then reach arms up, palms facing forward, extend forward touch floor 3 times flow like, trunk parallel to floor, release/relax head)
          11 Prasarita Padottanasana (extend trunk forward, hands to floor under shoulders)
          12 Vajrasana
          13 Parvatasana in Vajrasana
          14 Forward Vajrasana
          15 Dvi Pada Pavan Muktasana
          16 Eka Pada Pavan Muktasana
          17 Supta Tadasana
          18 Jathara Parivartanasana (legs bent resting on floor at right angle to hips)
          19 Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (legs up wall)
          20 Savasana

          Week 10
          01 Swastikasana
          02 Tadasana
          03 Urdhva Baddhangullyasana
          04 Utthita Trikonasana
          05 Utthita Parsvakonasana
          06 Virbhadrasana II
          07 ½ Uttanasana
          08 ½ Parsvottanasana
          09 Parsvottanasana (trunk, leg, foot facing to the side, hands on hips then reach arms up, palms facing forward, extend forward touch floor 3 times flow like, trunk parallel to floor, release/relax head
          10 Prasarita Padottanasana (extend trunk forward, hands to floor under shoulders)
          11 Vajrasana
          12 Parvatasana in Vajrasana
          13 Forward Vajrasana
          14 Dvi Pada Pavan Muktasana
          15 Eka Pada Pavan Muktasana
          16 Dvi Pada Pavan Muktasana (with arms overhead)
          17 Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (center of room)
          18 Jathara Parivartanasana (legs bent resting on floor at right angle to hips)
          19 Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (legs up the wall)
          20 Savasana

          Week 11
          C. Belko did not teach

          Week 12
          01 Swastikasana
          02 Tadasana
          03 Urdhva Baddhangullyasana
          04 Utthita Trikonasana (looking forward)
          05 Gomukhasana in Tadasana (top arm only)
          06 Utthita Parsvakonasana (arm over ear, looking forward)
          07 Tadasana
          08 Gomukhasana in Tadasana (top arm only)
          09 Virbhadrasana II
          10 Parsvottanasana (trunk, leg, foot facing to the side, hands on hips then reach arms up, palms facing forward, extend forward touch floor 3 times flow like, trunk parallel to floor, release/relax head.
          11 Prasarita Padottanasana (extend trunk forward, hands to floor under shoulders)
          12 Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (legs up the wall)
          13 Supta Tadasana
          14 Dvi Pada Pavan Muktasana (with arms overhead)
          15 Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (center of room)
          16 Jathara Parivartanasana (legs bent resting on floor at right angle to hips)
          17 Vajrasana
          18 Parvatasana in Vajrasana
          19 Forward Vajrasana
          20 Savasana

          Week 13
          C. Belko did not teach

          Week 14
          01 Swastikasana
          02 Urdhva Baddhangullyasana
          03 Utthita Trikonasana
          04 Utthita Parsvakonasana
          05 Prep Virbhadrasana I (from Utthita Hasta Padasana, turn arms to face palms up to ceiling, bring arms up as in Urdhva Hastasana and/or hands together.
          06 Virbhadrasana II
          07 Parsvottanasana
          08 Dvi Pada Pavan Muktasana
          09 Eka Pada Pavan Muktasana
          10 Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (center of room)
          11 Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (on block at lowest height and block horizontal at tailbone buttocks and beyond)
          12 Savasana
          Week 15
          01 Swastikasana
          02 Adho Mukha Virasana (Child Pose, knees apart, feet together)
          03 Utthita Trikonasana
          04 Urdhva Baddhangullyasana
          05 Tadasana with hands interlocked behind back
          06 Utthita Parsvakonasana
          07 Urdhva Hastasana
          08 Gomukhasana (top arm only)
          09 Urdhva Hastasana
          10 Utthita Parsvakonasana (top arm over ear, looking straight ahead)
          11 Prep Virbhadrasana I
          12 Virbhadrasana II
          13 ½ Uttanasana
          14 Parsvottanasana (flow like x3 each side)
          15 Prasarita Padottanasana (extend trunk forward, hands to floor under shoulders)
          16 Dvi Pada Pavan Muktasana
          17 Eka Pada Pavan Muktasana
          18 Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (center of room)
          19 Forward Swastikasana
          20 Twist in Swastikasana
          21 Forward Swastikasana
          22 Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (legs up the wall)
          23 Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
          24 Supta Tadasana
          25 Savasana